Monday, February 14, 2011

Dates with Mom and Dad

Last weekend my mom and dad had something called an anniversary, which I think is kind of like a birthday. They said I will have a birthday, but I have to wait until October! That is so far away...I think. I am not sure.

Here I am feeling nice and relaxed. Mom and dad spent their anniversary taking me to BAD RAP class and then on a big hike! It was a lot of fun and I got to eat my Kong while mom and dad had a pic-a-nic. But I was so distracted because there were boys flying a kite and a puppy and lots of good smelling foods.

Here I am next to a statue of art or something. Somebody wrote Metallica on it, I don't know what that is but it made mom and dad laugh. I love when people laugh! Mom and dad call me "The Fun Police" because I always come looking to join in the fun when I hear them laughing in another room.

Mom and I kissed by big water with lots of ducks and Dad tried to look cool with me by the statue. I'm not very good at "cool" though, I'm too much of a dork. But that's okay, because mom and dad seem to love me anyway!

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